I would like to talk about the order of hair straightening and hair coloring on this blog today.
Hair straightening and hair coloring, which should I do first? … I wonder if there are many people who are interested in it? At melco HairDesign, we ask that you should straighten your hair first. Basically, we do not allow hair straightening for 3 weeks after the last coloring, please note with that.
It’s because hair coloring agents contain a lot of alkaline agents. After dyeing, this alkaline agent remains in your hair for some time. The strength of the reaction of hair straightening agents changes depending on the strength of the alkali. No matter how much we control hair straightening agents, immediately after hair coloring, the hair straightening agent will react with the alkali remaining in the hair. Because uncalculated reactions inevitably occur, It’s hard to get the finish you really want. Compared to when there is no residual alkali, exactly it will damage your hair!!
The valued customers visiting melco, or if you are thinking of visiting melco from now on, we are sure that you’re someone who doesn’t want to damage your hair as much as possible. That’s why we don’t want to perform some treatments when we know it will damage your hair!!
During your counseling session, you may be asked about your history of straightening or coloring, it’s not stalker-like prying, so please feel safe and honestly tell us your treatment history(^^♪ If it hasn’t been that long since you colored your hair, we may decline your treatment on that day and ask you to make another reservation at a later date. Thank you so much for your kindly understanding<(_ _)> We will continue to propose treatments of hair straightening or coloring that cause as little damage as possible and keep your hair beautiful.
Thank you for choosing Coconut Hair Straightening!